
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tanner's One!

Our baby Tanner turned one today! He had a fun day full of everything he loves, well mostly.  After we ate breakfast and danced to all the birthday songs on our iTunes (twice), I gave him a birthday haircut that he was not a fan of.  Then I was rude enough to give him a bath to wash off all the extra hair.  The good news was that it was then time for playgroup at the park.

We decided since our family wasn't here to celebrate with us, we didn't want to do a real party at our house.   I made some cupcakes and brought them to playgroup with us instead.  So we grabbed our cupcakes and snacks, and headed to the park.

Berkeley was quite insistent that Tanner wanted pink frosting, but I talked her into the blue eventually.  She decided it tasted pretty good too.

We picked out a cupcake just for Tanner, and let him go to town.

However, he was not impressed at all.  He looked at it for a few minutes before he thought about doing anything with it.

When he finally touched it, he looked pretty disgusted with the sticky blue stuff on top, and tried to take it all off and drop it on the picnic table.

After he got the frosting off, he started having more fun with it.  He liked smashing it up and even tried eating some!  Then he decided that it was pretty good after all.

He ended up eating most of it.  We played at the park some more.  He got a kick out of chasing the bubbles the older kids were blowing.  He had a good time.

In the evening, we gave him his presents, but he didn't seem too excited about that.  He just wanted to play with Dad's football.  But he smiled anyway.

We had a picnic in the backyard for dinner.

I think he felt left out by not sitting at the picnic table with the other kids.

When they were done eating, he helped himself to Brady's seat- and his corn cob.

I made him a couple new pairs of shorts for his birthday.  He's getting so big it doesn't seem like he wears them very long before I need to make new ones.

The grocery store by us in New York gives you a free cake for your kid's first birthday.  So we picked up his birthday cake this morning so we could have it after our picnic.

He didn't really know what to do with the candle, so the other kids took turns blowing it out for him.  Maybe next year we will have to practice first.

I wanted a picture of Stephen and Tanner with their cake faces, so Stephen got nice and close to him for me.

Maybe a little too close though.  Tanner slimed him!  Right on the face too.

I think Berkeley licked her plate clean.

And the boys both got plates full of cake to the face, courtesy of Dad.  They thought that was great though!

After the picnic and cake party, Stephen had his first grade concert, so we all cleaned up and headed to the school.  (bottom right corner) They sang songs about being bugs and going to picnics.  It was very cute; he did a great job!

It was a very fun day.  Happy Birthday to Tanner!